2024 Client Satisfaction Survey Feedback
Thank you, families, for your valuable feedback on the 2024 Client Satisfaction Survey. We conduct this survey annually to learn about your experiences and ideas. Your responses help us to understand what we are doing well and where we can improve. Our goal is to always enhance our services to better meet your needs.
We would like to share some of the key points from the feedback we received this year, please click here.
Infant Hearing Program
The Central South Infant Hearing Program (CSIHP) serves the Brant, Haldimand-Norfolk, Hamilton and Niagara communities. The Regional Infant Hearing Program Office is located in Hamilton. The Central South IHP is part of a provincial system of 12 Infant Hearing Programs. Contact information for the other regional sites is available through the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services website.
Why do we screen babies for hearing loss?
Two out of 1,000 babies have hearing loss at birth. Two more develop hearing loss by the age of five. These children may hear some sounds but miss others, making it harder to learn speech and language. This can lead to behaviour and emotional challenges.
The Infant Hearing Program provides hearing screening for all newborns in hospital or community settings and:
- Identifies newborns with permanent hearing loss
- Supports language development so they will be ready to start school

Funded by the Government of Ontario.