Upcoming Professional Learning Events
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OL6527 Creative Me!
This webinar will use reflective practice as well as research of Ann Pelo to explore how the environment and thoughtful experiences can foster creative development in children.
OL5886 Diversity in Childcare
This online early learning opportunity can be used to explore, acknowledge and celebrate our differences. Its goal is to support educators through reflection, and develop strategies that will ensure each child and their family has a sense of belonging in the classroom.
OL6070 Dump, Fill, Throw: Supporting Schemas Using Loose Parts
What is a schema? This webinar will introduce the participants to the repetitive actions that young children use every day in order to make connections in their brains. We will also explore what materials can be used to support this type of play.
OL6627 “How Are You Feeling Today? Emotional Literacy in Early Childhood”
This webinar will give you an insight into the who, what and why of emotional literacy in the early years. We will discuss the importance of modeling and teaching emotional literacy, how it sets a foundation for children to express themselves independently, and how it helps with building relationships and empathy.
OL5690 Infant Toddler Early Literacy Checklist
The Infant Toddler Early Literacy Checklist is a reflective self-assessment tool for early years professionals, working with young children, to evaluate to what extent they are supporting literacy in infants and toddlers, and their families. This 3-module online series examines the emergent literacy environment as well as language and communication-building practices. Participants will complete an action plan to build current practices, and to develop those areas that require additional supports.
Session 1
My Reflections Journal
Infant Toddler Checklist
Book Categories in My Infant Toddler Room
My Literacy Environment Map
Session 2
Infant Toddler Checklist Environment Benchmark
Authentic Language – Saying it Like it is
Questions and Comments that Encourage Math Conversation
Questions that Encourage Conversation
Session 3
Infant Toddler Checklist including Partnerships
Resource List BLV
Is Your Facility Acoustically Friendly or Unfriendly
Math Words NEWmeracy
Question and Comments that Encourage Math Conversation
Resource List IHP
Best Start Location Poster
Infant Toddler Interactions Benchmark
OL6304 NEWmeracy
This webinar will introduce participants to the stages of numeracy development and the early mathematical principles children need to know in order to have a full comprehension of numbers. Key to the learning of mathematical concepts, participants will explore mathematical talk and the important role it plays in laying the foundation for later math learning.
OL6227 No More Worksheets
In play-based, developmentally appropriate curriculum, children are learning important knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them to be successful in school and later life. This webinar discusses the fundamental problems with worksheets and demonstrates that children can learn similar concepts through play-based activities.
No More Worksheets Flyer
No More Worksheets Questionaire
OL6303 Risk Play
This reflective webinar is intended as an introduction to the topic of risk play in the early years. We will explore the research and benefits of risk play, we will assess our own comfort levels in regards to risk play, and will reflect on what our role as educators can be in supporting this developmentally crucial play for children.
OL5689 R.O.S.I.E. – Rating Observation Scale for Inspiring Environments
This online webinar will allow the user to explore the history, resources and principles of ROSIE. Strategies, videos and pictures will guide the participant on how to incorporate aspects of ROSIE into their own environments.
PL To Go
Community Living Hamilton
Embracing Inclusion is an audio series featuring tips and suggestions on how to fully include children with special needs in your early childhood setting. Special Needs Resourcing staff at Community Living Hamilton speak on topics that include school preparedness, engagement, sensory awareness, and creating an inclusive environment in licensed home settings.
AECEO Anti-Bias Approach to Early Childhood Leadership: Beyond Books and Pictures
This webinar will provide early learning leaders the opportunity to:
Investigate the spectrum of commonly used terms in anti-bias and culturally-responsive approaches in early childhood education;
Identify fundamental gaps in implementing an anti-bias approach and develop classroom and program-level visions for improving current practices as an early childhood leader;
Examine effective strategies and tools that early childhood leaders can adopt in order to execute a substantial anti-bias approach.
AODA Training
The Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation (IASR) falls under the AODA and requires all employees to be trained on Human Rights as it pertains to individuals with disabilities as of January 1, 2016. Click on the link to the free online videos “Working Together: The Code and the AODA” from the Ontario Human Rights Commission. As this legislation is province-wide all workplaces including Child Care Organizations have to comply.
Hamilton Food Handlers
City of Hamilton
Tools for Life
For more information contact Sue Lepore slepore@ascy.ca
Guiding Documents
Ministry of Education – Ontario
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years
College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) – Continuous Professional Learning (CPL)
Child Care and Early Years Act – (CCEYA) Ministry of Education
Professional Resources and Links
Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from Research about Young Children – Videos
Mohawk College Early Childhood Education
Mohawk College Early Childhood Education Placement Support
Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO)
The Canadian Association for Young Children (CAYC)
Additional Resources and Links
EarlyON Child and Family Centres
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
50 Screen-Free Ideas for Kids- English
Screen Time and Children Postcard – English
50 Screen-Free Ideas for Kids – French
Screen Time and Children Postcard – French
50 Screen-Free Ideas for Kids -Arabic
Screen Time and Children Postcard – Arabic
50 Screen-Free Ideas for Kids – Chinese
Screen Time and Children Postcard – Chinese
Screen Time Physical Activity Tracking Tool
Feeding Young Children Tips for Building Healthy Eating Habits